September Long Weekend....
Generally used by people to prepare for the fast approaching school year.
But not us!!
The Friday we left was Travis's last day of work before hitting the books. The last 4:00am wake up for a long time.
Here's a couple pictures of Travis at work.
Yes, it's a beautiful place to work, and free golf is wonderful.
But the 4:00am wake ups were killing me!

After work, we packed into the car and shot off to Sask. for the weekend.
The weekend was full of family.
Long walks (Steph and I did 6 miles in flip flops in one day!)
The traditional Waldheim Open (by invitation only, of course)
Lots of good food, and a whole lot of RFL....
Here's the gist of it.....

Two guys stand on either end of the trampoline.....

And throw the Frisbee at the guy jumping on the trampoline.....

You earn points for hitting the jumper, or dodging the Frisbee.....

And that's really all there is too it.
We had an open house for Ben and Steph on Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces again.
Even Mr Hinz dropped by!
(for those who know The Hinz, I have a great story you'll want to hear. Ask me about it sometime.)
I dropped the ball and didn't take any pictures. Oops.
I was too busy enjoying visiting with people instead of harassing them for a picture.
After the open house we celebrated Dad's 50th Birthday with a few family friends who stayed behind.

And then we jetted back to Alberta. I went to work and tried to recover, while Travis headed back to school.
Things are bound to get busy, and you may not hear from us for a while.
You might just have to pick up the phone and give us a call.
Don't know our number? Ask one of the Mom's. They know everything.
Generally used by people to prepare for the fast approaching school year.
But not us!!
The Friday we left was Travis's last day of work before hitting the books. The last 4:00am wake up for a long time.
Here's a couple pictures of Travis at work.
But the 4:00am wake ups were killing me!
After work, we packed into the car and shot off to Sask. for the weekend.
The weekend was full of family.
Long walks (Steph and I did 6 miles in flip flops in one day!)
The traditional Waldheim Open (by invitation only, of course)
Lots of good food, and a whole lot of RFL....
Here's the gist of it.....
Two guys stand on either end of the trampoline.....
And throw the Frisbee at the guy jumping on the trampoline.....
You earn points for hitting the jumper, or dodging the Frisbee.....
And that's really all there is too it.
We had an open house for Ben and Steph on Sunday. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces again.
Even Mr Hinz dropped by!
(for those who know The Hinz, I have a great story you'll want to hear. Ask me about it sometime.)
I dropped the ball and didn't take any pictures. Oops.
I was too busy enjoying visiting with people instead of harassing them for a picture.
After the open house we celebrated Dad's 50th Birthday with a few family friends who stayed behind.
And then we jetted back to Alberta. I went to work and tried to recover, while Travis headed back to school.
Things are bound to get busy, and you may not hear from us for a while.
You might just have to pick up the phone and give us a call.
Don't know our number? Ask one of the Mom's. They know everything.