I could go on about how I'm horrible at keeping this up to date. But you already know that, so we'll leave it there.
January is long gone, and far too many things have happened since then. Travis and I no longer live in Tofield, we have moved into Edmonton. Why? I found a job in the city, Travis goes to school in the city, spending 1 1/2 hours in the car every day wasn't much fun, not to mention the money we spent on gas.
So we're big city kids now, and it's not so bad. Everything is still within walking distance. We've traded the howling coyotes for the odd siren or friendly drunk guy yelling in the Denny's parking lot. I now walk on paved paths and not dirt roads. Everyone has wimpy lap dogs instead of real dogs. You get the idea.
But this weekend I got to be a small town kid again. Vegreville had it's annual Father's day car show & demo derby. Nothing makes my day quite like a demo derby (the car show is what you do while they clean up the derby ring). Stop in next year and maybe we'll take you.
January is long gone, and far too many things have happened since then. Travis and I no longer live in Tofield, we have moved into Edmonton. Why? I found a job in the city, Travis goes to school in the city, spending 1 1/2 hours in the car every day wasn't much fun, not to mention the money we spent on gas.
So we're big city kids now, and it's not so bad. Everything is still within walking distance. We've traded the howling coyotes for the odd siren or friendly drunk guy yelling in the Denny's parking lot. I now walk on paved paths and not dirt roads. Everyone has wimpy lap dogs instead of real dogs. You get the idea.
But this weekend I got to be a small town kid again. Vegreville had it's annual Father's day car show & demo derby. Nothing makes my day quite like a demo derby (the car show is what you do while they clean up the derby ring). Stop in next year and maybe we'll take you.
Here's a bit of our day...

The ultimate Rig Pig truck. Who knew Ford made an F-650??
Not as funny, but much better looking. Travis is the one with taste/class.

I really don't think this needs a caption. It's pretty self explanatory. However, the picture doesn't do the event justice, so I've added a video. Hope it makes you smile as much as it made me smile!!
And I promise we'll update this thing before November, so check back!
The ultimate Rig Pig truck. Who knew Ford made an F-650??
I really don't think this needs a caption. It's pretty self explanatory. However, the picture doesn't do the event justice, so I've added a video. Hope it makes you smile as much as it made me smile!!
And I promise we'll update this thing before November, so check back!