Thanksgiving, the perfect holiday set right in the middle of the busy season. The break given right when I usually need it most. We'd planned to stay home for the weekend and save our gas money for Christmas time, but a wonderful couple had pity on us and sponsored our trip back to SK (thanks mom & dad).
Unfortunately Travis's professors saw fit to load him up with a whole lot of extra work. He opted to stay home and try to get a handle on things instead of putting them off and spending the next week playing catch-up. What a mature, smart man I married.
Benjamin and Timothy couldn't make it out, and with Travis back it Tofield it was just the three of us (mom, dad, and myself) for the weekend. So the weekend was nice and relaxing. Nothing fussy. Just a lot of peace, quiet, and time spent enjoying each other's company.Except for the part where Grandpa came over and we ripped up the deck.
Well, they ripped up the deck and I took the dog for a nice long walk down old country roads.
And of course, I had to be officially introduced to dad's latest 'pets'. Yes, they all have names though the only two I can remember at the moment are Grunt and Lard. Surprisingly they don't stink nearly as bad as I thought they would. Dad would tell you it's because they're free range, healthy pigs. And they're sure going to be a nice addition to the freezer come winter! Poor Grunt...
And what's a trip home without a trip to the new yard, or the 'farm' as we like to call it. Mom and Dad have a beautiful quarter of land just North West of Laird. Though I didn't make it home in time to see the leaves still on the trees which makes things looks a little bare, the area is perfect. From the top of the ravine we were able to watch a doe head for cover. And the beavers have made themselves a nice little lake out of the natural spring that runs through the bottom of the ravine. Nice and wild.
And what could make a great weekend even better? Well, after a safe trip back of course. How about news of a future wedding? That's right, sometime around 5pm that same evening while I was dodging potholes, Larald was proposing to Cindy (my very happy mother-in-law). So congratulations! By the way, that means she said yes. Now there's something to be thankful for, right Larald?