I have to admit, I've never paid attention to football and I know next to nothing about the game except for what I learned during intermurals in elementary school (any Waldheimers out there remember that? Jaguars, Lynx etc...).
But regardless, I enjoyed myself. And it was a perfect night, not too chilly, no snow, no rain, a couple noisy drunks back and to the left.... Heck, what's a night out at a game, any game, without a couple of noisy drunks. Actually, with the help of their play-by-play commentary I was able to keep up with most of the game.
Either way, going to football games officially makes it fall in my mind. They're the ones that toughen you up by making you sit outside, so come hockey season, the rink feels like a sauna. But, I'm getting ahead of myself here. We'll take it one season at a time.