Yesterday afternoon I walked from my office into the adjoining office and thought, "wow, it's nice and cool in here, I should park my computer in here." Then I glanced at the thermometer...... 27 degrees celsius!! Makes me wish I had a thermometer in my office so I could brag about the temperatures I had to endure all day.

If you haven't guessed it yet, our office doesn't have a working air conditioner, but (and I quote) "That's okay, it rarely gets above 30 here, and if it does it only lasts for a day or two." That was TWO WEEKS AGO! The temperature, at it's lowest during the day, has been 30. The thermometer in the picture above is sitting in the shade.
And poor Travis has had to spend the entire two weeks working outdoors wearing coveralls and a hard hat. All I have to do is think about him sweating it out under the sun and suddenly my office/sauna doesn't seem so bad.
Needless to say, I think we're going to buy a couple boxes of freezies and go find a nice cool lake to sit in for the weekend. Sounds nice, doesn't it?