Sunday dawned bright, sunny, and HOT! We drove out to the camp and after really good concert by the Hunter Family, Travis and Adam told the church their stories, where they came from, where they're going, and how God has come to play such an important part in their lives. There weren't a whole lot of dry eyes in the chapel. Then it was off to the pool.....
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Meet Me At The River
I know I'm a little late with this post, but we didn't get the pictures from mom until yesterday. One of the downsides to not owning your own digital camera I suppose. Eitherway, June 3, 2007 Travis was baptized at our church's annual picinic. Because the church is small, the only "tank" they own for baptisms is an old cattle trough. Travis and Adam (the other man baptized the same day) weren't too keen on the trough idea, and decided that the pool at camp would be much nicer.
Cindy and Larald, and my mom and dad drove out from Saskatchewan for the weekend, which made it so much more special. We kicked the weekend off with an awesome shrimp and steak BBQ, (who knew Travis was so good with a grill? Of course with some constructive advice from the Men). And we ended the day with ice cream (which if you get to know Larald, you'll learn is a cruicial part of each day!).
Once there Travis and Adam got into the pool with pastor Calvin and though he couldn't be there, Chris (a close friend) had left a letter with some very encouraging words for Travis:
" for your life from all of this. Pursue a righteous life - a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so ferverently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses....
(1 Timothy 6:12 THE MESSAGE)
and then....

While Travis dried off we snapped a couple of pictures by the pool and then we raced back to Tofield for a big dinner.
After such a full morning it was only fitting to top it all off with... you guessed it... Ice Cream! A perfect end to a perfect morning.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Welcome to Tofield!
The weather has finally settled down out here and as a result, Uncle Rodney decided to fly out to check on things here at the Tofield office. So after a couple of days of getting things nailed down and cleaned up he offered to take Travis and I up in his plane.
This was Travis's first time being in a plane of any size so he got to sit co-captain while a was a good little wife and took a couple pictures of our new home town. Now you can see why we like it out here so much!
Co-Captain Hart
The exploding town of Tofield, AB
The big building in the center of the last picture is our apartment building in case you're wondering why we'd take a close-up of random buildings.
Well now when we talk about home you have a picture to put to the place. Come visit us sometime. Seriously, we've been to Saskatchewan at least once a month since we've moved out here. It's your turn.
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